GE universal remote 4-digit CL4 TV codes


GE universal remote CL4 TV codes are essential for anyone looking to simplify their entertainment setup. With so many devices to control, it can be frustrating to have multiple remotes cluttering up your living room. Thankfully, Jasco has the solution with their easy-to-use GE universal remote CL4. But programming a remote can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of TV codes to help you program your remote with ease.

GE universal remote CL4 codes for popular TV brands

Below is a list of codes for various TV brands in order of popularity. Start from left to right until you find the one that works for your device. Consider testing other codes for greater functionality, as some codes may only operate a limited number of device functions.

GE universal remote CL4 codes for LG TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for LG TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 6021, 0001, 5511, 3001, 1911, 1181, 1221

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Samsung TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Samsung TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 5791, 5801, 3301

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Vizio TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Vizio TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 5611, 5631, 5561, 6121, 6131, 6111, 5651, 5621, 5711

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Sony TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Sony TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 1071, 5811, 5321, 4981, 1901, 2741

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Hisense TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Hisense TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 6161, 1651, 6171, 2081, 5331, 2211, 2141, 5341, 0001, 0671, 4391

GE universal remote CL4 codes for TCL TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for TCL TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 6171, 5961, 6031, 5771, 6201

GE universal remote CL4 codes for TCL roku TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for TCL roku TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 6171

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Panasonic TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Panasonic TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 6231, 5821, 5201, 5531, 1571, 5561

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Mitsubishi TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Mitsubishi TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 3271, 1811, 0251, 0001, 1221, 1581, 1711, 1801, 1921, 2701

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Philips smart TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Philips smart TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 6221, 0181, 5741, 6051, 0201, 0911, 3981, 4261

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Sanyo TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Sanyo TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 1161, 5261, 2891, 5251

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Element TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Element TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 5421, 2401, 5471, 1091, 1651, 5831, 5841, 5341, 6021, 5361

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Emerson TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Emerson TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 2761, 5761, 5221, 5231, 5561, 5831, 4731, 5421, 5741, 0001, 0141, 1651, 0201, 0231, 0951, 1551, 5551

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Insignia TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Insignia TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 0921, 2891, 6171, 0371, 2271, 0141, 0581, 0871, 2241, 6181, 2921, 3761, 4371, 4721, 4761, 5051, 5061, 5181

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Hisense TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Hisense TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 6161, 1651, 6171, 2081, 5331, 2211, 2141, 5341, 0001, 0671, 4391

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Magnavox TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Magnavox TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 0141, 5741, 4761, 0975, 4191, 4641, 4261

GE universal remote CL4 codes for Roku TVs

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for Roku TVs, in order of popularity.

  • 6171, 6001

GE universal remote cl4 codes list all brands

Below is the list of GE universal remote codes (CL4) for all TV brands by Jasco. Source.

  • ABEX: 0401
  • ADA: 0461
  • ADC: 1431, 1661
  • ADMIRAL: 0371, 0681, 1441, 1661, 4991
  • ADVENT: 3261, 0631, 0871, 2891, 4931, 0581
  • ADVENTURA: 0151
  • AFFINITY: 2361, 2381
  • AIKO: 1011, 4321
  • AIWA: 0411, 0931, 4731, 4801
  • AKAI: 0191, 5891, 5901, 5911, 5921, 6041, 4151, 3215, 0331, 4461, 5141, 5171
  • ALLERON: 1711
  • AMARK: 1441
  • AMES: 1275
  • AMTRON: 2191
  • AMW: 0645, 0825
  • ANABA: 1375
  • ANAM NATIONAL: 0271, 1941, 2151, 3451, 2191, 2331, 3431
  • AOC: 4261, 1961
  • APEX: 2521, 6081, 6101, 0045, 4841, 0191, 1891, 0431, 0425, 0671, 1025, 1105, 5111, 0245
  • ARCHER: 1441
  • ARIA: 4101
  • ARIO: 1891
  • ASPECT: 1271
  • ATVIO: 2371
  • AUDIOVOX: 2191, 2451, 4031, 4051, 4521
  • AURIA: 1221, 2121, 1171, 1411
  • AURORA: 3061
  • AVENTURA: 0141
  • AXION: 0881
  • BANG & OLUFSEN: 1591
  • BELCOR: 0001
  • BELL & HOWELL: 1261, 1661, 1691, 3421
  • BENQ: 1741, 1761, 2221, 3871
  • BLUESKY: 3511, 3921
  • BRADFORD: 2191
  • BROKSONIC: 0371, 0211, 0851, 1631, 4951
  • BROKWOOD: 0001
  • CANDLE: 0001, 0151, 0961, 1221
  • CAPEHART: 0391, 4221
  • CCE: 3721
  • CELEBRITY: 1901
  • CELERA: 0191
  • CENTRIOS: 1361
  • CENTURION: 1221
  • CETOMER: 0001, 1631, 2901, 2961
  • CETRONIC: 1941
  • CHANGHONG: 4841
  • CHIMEI: 3071
  • CINERAL: 3511, 4321
  • CITIZEN: 0001, 0961, 1221, 1661, 1941, 2191, 4321
  • CLAIRTONE: 0011
  • CLASSIC: 1941, 4841
  • CLP: 0061
  • CLP CLASSIC: 0001, 0041, 0161
  • COBY: 3351, 2521, 2511, 2531, 5091, 5191, 2541, 2551
  • COLORTYME: 0001, 1221, 1431
  • COLOR VOICE: 1431
  • CONCERTO: 0001, 1221
  • CONCIERGE: 1771, 1781
  • CONTEC: 0011, 1911, 1941, 2191
  • CONTEX: 5411
  • CORNEA: 1471
  • CRAIG: 1941, 2191
  • CROWN: 1941, 2191
  • CTX: 1441
  • CURTIS: 2121, 2141, 2361, 2371, 5411, 1881, 1891
  • CURTIS MATHES: 0351, 1551, 5351, 5371, 0001, 0261, 1221, 1661, 4011, 4941
  • CXC: 1941, 2191
  • DAEWOO: 1561, 0001, 0591, 0721, 0831, 0971, 1221, 1231, 1251, 1431, 1501, 1521, 1551, 1941, 2181, 4321, 4681
  • DAYTRON: 0001, 1221
  • DELL: 0981, 1401, 3441, 2041, 3601, 3811
  • DÉVANT: 6211
  • DIGIMATE: 4301
  • DIGISTAR: 0381, 0581, 0871, 1061, 2451, 2471, 3901
  • DIMENSIA: 1691, 3421
  • DISH NETWORK: 5491
  • DISNEY: 0371, 1101, 5391
  • DISTAR: 3231
  • DUKANE: 1271, 1981
  • DUMONT: 0001, 1771, 1781
  • DURABRAND: 0371, 0141, 0861, 0921, 1381, 2271, 2291, 5121
  • DYNASTY: 1941
  • DYNEX: 3141, 5311, 3161, 0371, 2891
  • ELECTROBAND: 0011, 1901
  • ELECTROHOME: 0001, 1221, 1921, 2151, 3431
  • ELECTRON: 2121
  • ELEKTRA: 1661
  • ELEMENT: 5421, 1091, 6171, 2401, 1651, 5471, 5361, 5341, 2891, 5831, 1741, 5841, 6021
  • ELEMENT (ROKU TV): 6171
  • ELITE VIDEO: 0901
  • EMERSON: 2761, 5761, 5231, 5221, 5831, 5561, 5421, 4731, 0201, 0141, 5741, 0001, 2891, 1651, 0231, 0951, 1551, 5551
  • ENVISION: 1411, 5401, 0001, 0071, 1221, 3751, 4261
  • EQD: 1171, 1411
  • ESA: 0141, 1381
  • FAVI: 2141
  • FIRE TV: 6091
  • FISHER: 5001, 1261, 1531, 1581, 1911, 3481
  • FLUID: 2401, 2421, 2431
  • FUJITSU: 0901, 1711, 4241, 4341
  • FUNAI: 0445, 0141, 0931, 1711, 1941, 2191, 4731, 4761
  • FUTURETEC: 1941, 2191
  • GATEWAY: 0501
  • GE (GENERAL ELECTRIC): 4921, 0141, 0191, 1001, 0001, 0041, 0051, 3451, 0261, 1221, 0361, 0791, 1921, 1951, 2151, 3431, 4011
  • GFM: 0141, 5831
  • GIBRALTER: 0001, 1771, 1781
  • GOLDSTAR: 0001, 0611, 0761, 0931, 1181, 1221, 1501, 1911, 4731
  • GPX: 4701
  • GRADIENTE: 0001, 2291, 3661, 3951, 3961
  • GRUNDY: 1711, 2191
  • GVISION: 4871
  • HAIER: 6151, 1221, 6171, 6141, 5321, 0921, 1161, 2141, 2891, 0671, 1741, 0861, 3831, 4851
  • HAIER (ROKU TV): 6171
  • HALLMARK: 0001, 1221
  • HANNSPREE: 5451, 5461, 5291
  • HARVARD: 2191
  • HAUPPAUGE: 3791
  • HELLO KITTY: 5391
  • HEWLETT PACKARD: 3491, 4881
  • HISENSE: 6161, 1651, 6171, 2081, 5331, 2891, 2211, 2141, 1741, 6001, 5341, 0001, 0671, 4391
  • HISENSE (ROKU TV): 6171, 2891, 1741
  • HITACHI: 4331, 1041, 6171, 0925, 2891, 1741
  • HITACHI (ROKU TV): 6171, 2891, 1741
  • HKC: 5721
  • HONEYWELL TV: 6141
  • HP (HEWLETT PACKARD): 3491, 4881
  • HYUNDAI: 4651
  • ILO: 5171, 1381, 0371, 3215, 1141, 2391, 3691, 4231, 5031, 5141
  • IMA: 2191
  • INFINITY: 4791
  • INFOCUS: 3421, 6171, 2891, 1741
  • INITIAL: 4231, 4821, 5031, 5041
  • INSIGNIA: 2891, 0921, 6171, 6091, 0371, 2271, 0141, 1741, 0581, 0871, 2241, 6181, 2921, 3761, 4371, 4721, 4761, 5051, 5061, 5181
  • INSIGNIA (FIRE TV): 6091
  • INSIGNIA (ROKU TV): 6171, 2891, 1741
  • INTEGRA: 1841
  • INTEQ: 1771, 1781
  • ISYMPHONY: 2141, 3041
  • JANEIL: 0151
  • JCB: 1901
  • JC PENNEY: 0001, 0051, 0261, 0791, 0961, 1221, 1451, 1911, 1921, 1951, 4011
  • JENSEN: 2271, 0001, 1221
  • JVC: 5071, 1481, 6171, 5781, 0311, 5281, 0481, 0771, 2891, 0901, 1741, 1281, 1801, 1911
  • JVC (ROKU TV): 6171
  • KAWASAKI: 4741
  • KAWASHO: 0001, 1221, 1901
  • KAYPANI: 0391, 4221
  • KDS: 5541
  • KEC: 2191, 1941
  • KENWOOD: 0001, 1221
  • KLH: 0191
  • KLOSS NOVABEAM: 0151, 1021
  • KOGI: 4871
  • KONKA: 6181, 4971, 0471, 0521, 5891, 1671, 2191, 2241, 4621
  • KTV: 0011, 1491, 1681, 1941, 2191
  • KURAZAI: 1661
  • KWORLD: 2931
  • LASONIC: 1211, 1611, 4811
  • LEGEND: 1891, 0581
  • LG: 6021, 5511, 0001, 6171, 3001, 1911, 1181, 2891, 1221, 1741
  • LIQUIDVIDEO: 0881, 1111
  • LODGENET: 1661, 1691, 2091, 3421, 4091
  • LOEWE: 1871
  • LOGIK: 1661, 1691, 3421
  • LUCE: 0301
  • LUXMAN: 0001, 1221
  • LXI: 0001 0261 0931 1221 1691 4011 4731
  • MAG: 5541
  • MAGNASONIC: 1711
  • MAGNAVOX: 5741 0141 4191 6171 4761 0975 4641 4261 2891 1741
  • MAGNAVOX (ROKU TV): 6171
  • MAJESTIC: 1661 1691 3421
  • MANHATTAN: 5381
  • MARANTZ: 0001 1221 1841
  • MAXENT: 0501 3361
  • MEDION: 1101 1141 2351
  • MEGATRON: 0001 1221 1271
  • MEI: 0011
  • MEMOREX: 1711 0001 0211 1221 1631 1661 2401 4251 5001
  • MGA: 0001 1221 1581 1711 1801 1911 1921
  • MIDLAND: 0051 0261 0811 1691 1781 4011
  • MINTEK: 4231
  • MINUTZ: 1951
  • MISAKAI: 1381
  • MITSUBISHI: 3271 1811 0251 0001 1221 1581 1711 1801 1921 2701
  • MONIVISION: 0491
  • MONTGOMERY WARD: 1661 1691 3421
  • MOTEVA: 1261 3661
  • MOTOROLA: 1441 2151 3431
  • MTC: 0001 0011 0251 0351 1221 1311
  • MULTITECH: 2191
  • MYRON & DAVIS: 2101
  • NAD: 0001 0401 1221 1311 4021
  • NAXA: 1421 2141
  • NEC: 0001 0341 1221 1431 3451 1801 1841 2151 3431 4401
  • NET TV: 0121 0501
  • NEXUS ELECTRONICS: 1651 6021
  • NEXXTECH: 0871 1201
  • NIKEI: 1941
  • NIKKO: 0001 1011 1221 4321
  • NIKO: 3581
  • NORCENT: 0511 0671 2181
  • NTC: 1011 4321
  • Ölevia: 3081, 2771, 2791, 5151, 5161
  • OnCommand: 1861, 3991
  • OnKing: 1941
  • Onkyo: 3101
  • Onn: 5961, 6171, 2891, 1741
  • Onn (Roku TV): 6171
  • Onwa: 1941, 2191
  • Optimus: 0401, 1571, 3551, 4021, 5201
  • Optoma: 3121, 2441
  • Optonica: 0341, 1441
  • Orion: 0371, 0281, 1771, 1781
  • Panasonic: 5821, 6231, 1571, 5201, 5531, 5561
  • Philco: 2321, 0141, 0001, 0321, 0961, 1021, 3451, 1221, 1801, 1671, 2151, 2941, 3431, 3931
  • Philips: 6221, 0181, 6171, 5741, 6051, 2891, 0201, 0911, 1741, 3981, 4261
  • Philips (Roku TV): 6171
  • Philips-Magnavox: 0681, 0911, 2321, 4791, 4991
  • Pilot: 0001
  • Pioneer: 0401, 1221, 1981, 0001, 1371, 1511, 1841, 4021, 4661
  • Piva: 2411, 5021
  • Planar: 4251
  • Polaroid: 2401, 5541, 4631, 0191, 5411, 1961, 0581, 2271, 6101, 2311, 2451, 5131
  • Portland: 0001, 0251, 1011, 1081, 1221, 1551
  • Precision: 0621
  • Price Club: 0351
  • Prima: 0381, 0581, 0631, 0871, 2451
  • Princeton Graphics: 1301, 1441
  • Prism: 0051
  • Proscan: 2131, 5421, 5781, 5881, 4191, 0221, 1651, 2361, 1731, 2761, 2141, 2371, 2381, 0261, 2061, 2301, 4011
  • Proton: 0001, 0391, 0641, 1221, 1911, 2231, 4211, 4221, 4271
  • Protron: 3731, 4301
  • Proview: 2401, 2421, 2431
  • Pulsar: 0001, 1771, 1781
  • Pyle: 3331
  • Quasar: 3551, 1091, 0051, 1491, 1571, 3451, 2151, 3431, 5201
  • Radio Shack: 0001, 0341,
  • RCA: 0131, 0001, 1001, 6171, 4931, 2361, 1731, 4921, 2481, 0691, 3431, 2891, 2121, 1741, 5781, 2131, 2371, 3571, 2381, 2141, 1521, 2011, 5961
  • RCA (ROKU TV): 6171
  • REALISTIC: 0001, 0341, 0931, 1001, 1221, 1571, 1701, 1911, 1941, 2191, 4731
  • RHAPSODY: 0011
  • ROKU TV: 6171, 6001, 2891, 1741
  • RUNCO: 1771, 1781, 1841
  • SAMPO: 0001, 0121, 0391, 0501, 1221, 1911, 4221
  • SAMSUNG: 5791, 5801, 3301
  • SAMSUX: 1221
  • SAMTRON: 0351
  • SANSUI: 2891, 5411, 5241, 0211, 1381, 1631, 5851, 5861, 5871, 6051, 6061, 6071, 5551
  • SANTECA: 0171
  • SANYO: 1161, 5261, 6171, 2891, 5251, 1741
  • SANYO (ROKU TV): 6171
  • SCEPTRE: 4071, 3521, 1071, 5111, 5321, 4101
  • SCOTCH: 0001, 1221
  • SCOTT: 3215, 0001, 0021, 0281, 1221, 1711, 1941, 2191, 5141
  • SEARS: 0001, 0211, 0261, 1221, 1581, 1711, 1911, 4011, 4761
  • SEIKI: 1263, 5751, 6091
  • SELECTRON: 2471, 2491, 2501
  • SEMP: 3611
  • SHARP: 6011, 6001, 5341, 6171, 3191, 5941, 2891, 1741, 0001, 4105
  • SHARP (ROKU TV): 6171, 6001, 2891, 1741
  • SHOGUN: 0001
  • SIGNATURE: 1661, 1691, 2171, 3421
  • SIGNET: 2811, 2821, 2861
  • SILO DIGITAL: 5881
  • SIMPSON: 0961
  • SKYWORTH: 0701, 0691, 6191
  • SONIC: 0011
  • SONY: 1071, 5811, 5321, 4981, 1901, 2741
  • SOUNDESIGN: 0001, 0961,
  • SOVA: 3631, 4431
  • SOYO: 4611, 5101
  • SPECTRA: 1611
  • SQUAREVIEW: 0141, 1381
  • SSS: 0001, 1941, 2191
  • STARLITE: 2191
  • STAR SIGHT: 0061
  • SUNBRITETV: 3081, 3521
  • SUPERSCAN: 4761, 1291, 2021
  • SUPERSONIC: 1421, 0241, 4701
  • SUPRA: 0001, 1991
  • SUPREMACY: 0151
  • SUPREME: 1901
  • SV2000: 4761
  • SVA: 0671, 2101
  • SYLVANIA: 1381, 2761, 0371, 4761, 3701, 0141, 0201, 0231, 0941, 0951, 0001, 0321, 0931, 0961, 1021, 1221, 1801, 1821, 4731
  • SYMPHONIC: 1381, 4761, 0141, 0021, 0931, 2191, 4731
  • SYNTAX: 2431, 5151, 5161
  • TANDY: 1441
  • TATUNG: 1141, 1741, 2151, 3431
  • TCL: 6171, 5961, 6031, 6201, 5771, 2891, 1741
  • TCL (ROKU TV): 6171, 2891, 1741
  • TECHNICS: 0051
  • TECHWOOD: 0001, 0051, 1221
  • TEKNIKA: 0001, 0151, 0961, 1221, 1571, 1661, 1711, 1911, 1941, 2191
  • TELERENT: 1661, 1691, 3421
  • TERA: 0001, 0641
  • TEVION: 1141
  • TMK: 0001, 1221
  • TOSHIBA: 1311, 5531, 6091, 2691, 0211, 0341, 0821, 1571, 1801, 1841, 4891, 1911, 4941, 5081
  • TOSHIBA (FIRE TV): 6091
  • TRUTECH: 0141, 2461, 3821, 4551
  • TVS: 5241
  • UNIVERSAL: 0791, 1951
  • UPSTAR: 1651
  • VENTURER: 3781
  • VICTOR: 1481, 4121
  • VIDEOCON: 4061
  • VIDTECH: 0001, 0251, 1221
  • VIEWSONIC: 3751, 1171, 1411, 5301, 0501, 1981, 3801, 4281
  • VIKING: 0151
  • VIORE: 5431, 1421, 1881, 2141, 2831, 2841, 3681
  • VISTEON: 3411
  • VIZIO: 5631, 5611, 5561, 6121, 6131, 6111, 5651, 5621, 5711
  • WARDS: 0001, 0021, 0321, 0341, 0791, 0961, 1021, 1221, 1321, 1661, 1711, 1951
  • WESTINGHOUSE: 5971, 5781, 5981, 6171, 3241, 1891, 2141, 2891, 0111, 1741, 2281
  • WHITE-WESTINGHOUSE: 5241, 0601, 0931, 1501, 1521, 1551, 4731
  • YAMAHA: 0001, 0251, 1221, 1571, 3551
  • ZENITH: 6021, 5281, 1181, 0001, 1781, 0061, 0931, 1031, 1221, 1631, 1251, 1661, 2171, 2291, 3501, 4321, 4731, 4751, 4791, 4941, 5211

How to program a Jasco GE Universal Remote CL4 Codes

Your GE universal remote control contains thousands of device codes for the latest audio and video equipment. So you would need to locate the code listed for your specific device that came with your remote control. We’ve listed GE universal remote control codes for various TV makes and models in this post.

Programming a GE Universal Remote with a Vizio TV using codes – Direct Code Entry Method

The “Direct Code Entry” technique is useful for those who are familiar with their Vizio TV’s codes and want to program it to work with a GE universal remote control. The detailed instructions for this method are presented below.

  • Step 1: Find the code list (CL3, CL4, CL5 or CL6) for the specific device that you want to program your universal remote control with.
  • Step 2: Manually switch on the device you wish to control and turn off any other devices placed near it.
  • Step 3: Press and hold down the “Setup Button” until the red light on the remote control turns on and remains on.
  • Step 4: Once the red LED is on, release the “Setup Button”.
  • Step 5: Press and release the device button you wish to control. For example, if you want to program your GE universal remote with a TV, then press the TV button.
  • Step 6: After pressing the device button, the red light on the remote will blink once and remain on.
  • Step 7: Next, use the number buttons on the remote to enter the first four digit remote control codes for your device.
  • Step 8: Test the device to see if the GE remote is fully functional and that the device responds properly.
  • Step 9: If the remote’s buttons don’t operate the device, return to “Step 3” above and try again using the next code for that device.

How to find your GE Remote make and code list version

To find your GE remote control model number and code list, simply remove the battery cover door of your remote control and look for printed information inside. You should see the remote control’s model number, and code list version (cl3, cl4, cl5, cl6).

GE universal remote CL4 TV codes - how to check which code list is your general electric universal remote control
Identifying your GE make and code list version

GE Universal CL4 Remote Manual

There are several models of the GE universal remote control. And each one has its own manual. Fortunately for us, JASCO has digital versions of all the GE universal remote controls that they sell. Click here to visit their website, where you can select your specific model and download a digital copy of its manual.

How to program a GE universal remote to a TV without codes?

For those who don’t know the codes of their Vizio TV and want to program a GE universal remote control with it, they can use the “Auto Code Search” method. The step-by-step instructions for this method are presented below.

Programming a GE Universal Remote without codes using the Auto Code Search feature

  • Step 1: Manually switch on the device you wish to control and turn off any other devices placed near it.
  • Step 2: Press and hold the Setup Button until the red indicator light turns on.
  • Step 3: Once the red indicator light turns on, release the Setup Button.
  • Step 4: To program a TV, Press and release the TV button. The GE universal remote can control six types of devices: TV, CBL, Blue Ray, Aux, Aud, and Strm. If you wish to do Auto Code Search for another device, press and release the appropriate button.
  • Step 5: After pressing the button for the device you wish to control, the red light on the remote will blink once and remain on.
  • Step 6: Point your remote at the device, then press and release the power button to start the code search.
  • Step 7: The red indicator light will start flashing while it searches.
  • Step 8: If a compatible code is found, your device will turn off and the red indicator light on the GE remote control will stop flashing and remain on.
  • Step 9: If the red LED indicator stops flashing without your TV turning off, simply repeat the process again from “Step 4” above.
  • Step 10: Once your device turns off, manually turn it back on.
  • Step 11: Point your General Electric universal remote at the device again and press and release the Volume Up Button.
  • Step 12: After pressing the “Volume Up Button”, the red indicator light will blink once and remain on.
  • Step 13: At this stage, if a compatible code is found, your device should turn off again.
  • Step 14: If the device doesn’t turn off after pressing the “Volume Up Button”, simply continue to press and release the volume up button.
  • Step 15: Once your device turns off, that means your remote now has the compatible code.
  • Step 16: To store this code in your remote, simply press the same device button which you pressed in “Step 4” above. In this example, we will press the TV button since we are programming the remote control with a TV.
  • Step 17: Now turn on your device using the GE remote and test all its buttons to make sure your remote is fully functional with this device.
  • Step 18: If the GE remote is not fully functional with your device, simply return to “Step 2” to repeat the process and find a better code.

What are the codes for a GE universal remote?

GE universal remote codes are a series of numbers that can be programmed into a GE universal remote control to operate a specific device such as a TV, DVD player, or cable box. 

Each device has its own unique set of codes that can be entered into the remote, allowing the user to control the device without the need for multiple remotes.

The codes are essentially a language that allows the remote control to communicate with the device, telling it what actions to take in response to the user’s commands. 

The specific codes for a particular device can typically be found in the user manual or online documentation for the GE universal remote.