In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive RCA universal remote code list that includes 5 digits, so you can easily program your remote and take control of your devices. Once you find the 5 digit code for your specific device, visit this link to learn how to program your RCA remote step by step.
RCA universal remote control models compatible with 5 digit codes (CL5)
List of compatible RCA universal remote controls that support 5 digit codes RCR311BN, RCR311SN, RCR311STN, RCR311STR, RCR311BIN, RCR311BIR, RCR311SR, RCR312WR, RCR313BE, RCR313BR, RCR313BZ, RCR314WR, RCR314WZ3V, RCR3273E, RCR3273N, RCR3273R, RCR3283N, RCR3373R, RCR3383N, RCR412BN, RCR412BR, RCR412SIN, RCR412SIR, RCR412SN, RCR412SR, RCR413BHZ, RCR414BHE, RCR414BHZ, RCR4258N, RCR4258R, RCR4273N, RCR4358N, RCR4358R, RCR4373N, RCR4383N, RCR451N, RCR612N, RCR6473E, RCR6473N, RCR812N, RCR815N, RCRBB04GBE, RCRBB04GR, RCRBB05BHZ, RCRF03B, RCRN03BE, RCRN03BR, RCRN03BZ, RCRN04GBE, RCRN04GR, RCRN04G and a few others.
RCA universal remote 5 digits code list (CL5) for televisions
- Acer: 14143, 11865
- Acoustic Solutions: 11865
- ADL: 11217
- Admiral: 10093, 10463
- Advent: 10761, 11570
- Affinity: 13717, 13716, 13577
- Aiwa: 11362
- Akai: 10702, 11675, 11688, 11385, 11935, 10765, 10812, 10178, 11865, 10060, 13332
- Akura: 11687, 11498
- Alba: 11865
- AOC: 11589, 11365, 12014, 12087, 13720, 12402, 12479, 13707, 12621
- Apex Digital: 10156, 10767, 12397, 10765, 11217, 14347
- Ario: 12397
- AS: 11865
- Asus: 13340, 10702, 11867
- Asustek: 13340, 10702, 11867
- Atak: 12397
- Atvio: 13636
- Atyme: 12746
- Audiosonic: 11675
- Audiovox: 11564, 10451, 10802, 10846, 10875, 11276, 11284, 11865, 11937, 11951, 12121, 12413, 12513, 13065, 11952, 11769, 11766
- Aumark: 10060
- Auria: 12087, 12014, 12277
- Aventura: 10171
- Avera: 12397, 12049
- Avol: 13118, 13382
- Axess: 13593
- Axion: 11937
- Base: 11570
- BBK: 12098
- Beaumark: 10178
- Bell&Howell: 12293
- BenQ: 11756
- Bensten: 11570
- Berkshire: 10000, 10047
- BGH: 12098
- Bolva: 12397
- Broksonic: 10463, 11935, 11892
- BuBuGao: 12098
- Bush: 11589, 10661, 11865
- Carver: 10054
- Celebrity: 10000
- Celera: 10765
- Champion: 11362
- Changhong: 10765
- Citizen: 11672, 10060, 11935, 10463
- Coby: 12306, 12315, 12340, 12343, 12344, 12345, 12347, 12348, 12350, 13478, 13627, 11538, 13202, 12256
- Commercial Solutions: 11447, 10047, 10000
- Conia: 11687, 11498
- Contex: 14053, 13939
- Craig: 13423, 11687
- Crosley: 10000, 10054, 12337
- Crosley: 10000, 10054, 12337
- Curtis: 12855, 13577, 12466, 13895, 12352, 12397, 13939, 13636, 14035, 13382, 13228, 13717, 14053, 13154, 11314, 12337
- Curtis Mathes: 10047, 10054, 10451, 10093, 10702, 10145, 11661, 11147, 11347, 10000, 10060, 11959, 12293
- Daewoo: 10451, 11661, 10661, 12098, 13183
- Dell: 11264, 11080, 11863
- Delta: 11369
- Denon: 10145
- Digitrex: 14207
- Dimensia: 12293
- Dish Network: 11948
- Disney: 11892, 11665, 10171, 11314
- Donghai: 13332
- Dukane: 11398, 10679
- Dumont: 10017
- Durabrand: 10178, 11570, 10171, 10463, 11665
- Dwin: 10093
- Dynex: 11780, 11785, 11810, 12049, 12184
- Easy Living: 11217
- Electroband: 10000
- Electrograph: 11755
- Electrohome: 10463, 11670, 11570, 11672
- Electron: 12466, 12855
- Elektra: 10017, 11661
- Element: 13559, 11756, 14398, 11687, 10885, 12183, 12434, 12964, 13183, 13907, 12049, 11886, 14217, 12256
- Elite: 11457
- Emerson: 11864, 11394, 10178, 10171, 10463, 11661, 11665, 11886, 11944, 11963, 12183, 10451, 13623, 13559, 10702
- Emprex: 11422
- Envision: 10813, 11365, 11589, 12014, 12087, 12621
- Epson: 11122
- Epworth: 11362
- EQD: 12014, 12087, 12277
- EQD Auria: 12014, 12087, 12277
- Erisson: 13183
- ESA: 10812, 10171, 11944, 11963, 10702
- eTec: 12397
- Favi: 13382
- Fisher: 11362
- Fluid: 12964, 13907, 13559
- Fujimaro: 11687, 11498
- Fujitsu: 10809
- Fujitsu Siemens: 10809
- Funai: 10000, 10171, 11271, 11963, 11394, 11864, 12337
- Furrion: 13332, 14093
- Fusion: 13332
- Gateway: 11755, 11756
- GE: 11447, 10178, 10047, 10051, 10451, 11347, 11547, 10000, 10765, 12360, 12293
- Gericom: 11217
- GFM: 10171, 11665, 11963, 11886, 11864, 11865
- Gibralter: 10017
- GoldStar: 10178, 12271
- Goodmans: 10661
- Go Video: 10060
- GPX: 13402, 10093
- Grundig: 11314
- GVA: 12098
- Haier: 11748, 11756, 14398, 11749, 10885, 11753, 12434, 12309, 13183, 13382, 12293, 12049, 13204, 11570, 13118
- Hallmark: 10178
- Hannspree: 11348, 11745, 12786, 11589
- Hanseatic: 10661
- Harman/Kardon: 10054
- Havermy: 10093
- Helios: 10865
- Hello Kitty: 10451
- Hewlett Packard: 11494, 11502, 11867
- Hightong: 11314
- Hisense: 11314, 10818, 11756, 12360, 14398, 12098, 10885, 12183, 12434, 10178, 13183, 12355, 12049, 12419, 13519, 13382
- Hitachi: 11643, 11756, 14398, 11145, 10885, 10145, 12434, 10679, 13382, 13183, 10093, 12049, 10650
- Hiteker: 13118
- HP: 11494, 11502
- Hugoson: 11217
- Iiyama: 11217
- iLo: 11394, 11665, 11684, 11990, 10171
- Infinity: 10054
- InFocus: 11756, 12293
- Initial: 11990
- Insignia: 11423, 11756, 14398, 11564, 10885, 10171, 12434, 11517, 13183, 11780, 11892, 11963, 12002, 12049, 12417, 11810, 10463, 12184, 11641, 12751, 13227, 11385, 11785
- Inteq: 10017
- Inves: 13332
- iRIS: 12189
- iSymphony: 13382, 13118, 13094
- JBL: 10054
- JCB: 10000
- JCM: 12189, 12256
- JC Penney: 10060, 10178, 10156, 10047, 12293, 11347, 10051
- Jensen: 10761, 13204, 11570
- JVC: 10463, 11756, 14398, 10053, 10885, 10650, 12434, 10731, 13183, 11253, 12049, 11601, 11774, 12271, 12321, 11570, 13650, 11670, 11892, 14105, 14053, 12360, 13118
- Kalley: 12434
- KC: 14182
- KDS: 11498, 11523, 11687
- Keymat: 11570
- KLH: 10765, 10767
- Kolin: 11240
- Konka: 11385
- Legend: 12397, 12309, 12352, 13332
- LG: 11423, 11756, 14398, 11447, 10885, 12358, 12731, 12424, 10178, 12434, 10017, 11265, 13183, 12049, 10856, 11758, 11314, 12271
- LG Alps: 12358
- Liberton: 13183
- Lloyd’s: 13382
- Lodgenet: 12293
- LodgingStar: 13147
- Logik: 11217, 11865, 12293
- LXI: 10047, 10054, 10156, 10178, 10000, 10017, 11347, 12293
- MAG: 11498, 11687, 11523
- Magnavox: 11867, 11756, 14398, 11454, 10885, 12372, 12434, 11866, 13183, 12049, 10171, 10051, 10802, 11254, 11365, 11944, 11963, 11990, 10054, 13623, 11755, 11314, 10702
- Majestic: 12293
- Marantz: 11398, 11454, 10054
- Matsushita: 10250, 10650, 10051
- Maxent: 11755
- Megatron: 10178, 10145
- Melectronic: 10661
- Memorex: 11670, 11570, 10463, 10178, 11892, 11665, 11927, 10060, 12049, 11687, 10150, 10171, 11785, 12293, 11314, 10702
- MGA: 10150, 10178
- Midland: 10000, 10017, 10051, 10047
- Mintek: 11990
- Miray: 13183
- Misakai: 10171
- Mitsubishi: 11250, 10093, 10178, 10150, 11797, 12360
- Mitsubishi Electric: 11250, 10150, 10178, 11797, 10093, 12360
- Montgomery Ward: 12293
- Motorola: 10093
- MTC: 10060
- Mx Onda: 11687, 11498
- NAD: 10156, 10178, 10866, 11156
- Naxa: 12104, 14093, 13154, 13382, 13423
- NEC: 11797, 11398, 12293, 11704, 10661, 11314
- NEO: 13332
- NetTV: 11755
- New Acoustic Dimension: 10156, 10178, 10866
- Nexus: 13519, 11564
- Nexus Electronics: 12183
- Nikko: 10178, 10017, 10156, 11347, 10047
- Niko: 11745
- Nimbro: 12104
- Noblex: 11362, 11142
- Norcent: 11365, 11589, 11745, 12087
- Nordmende: 13332
- NuVision: 14347
- oCOSMO: 14139, 13899, 12337, 11712
- Ölevia: 11610, 11144, 11240, 11331
- Omni: 11570
- ONN: 12434, 11756, 14398, 13183, 10885, 11447, 12247, 11781, 12187, 10463, 10047, 12049, 13078
- Optimus: 10250, 11927, 10650, 10679
- Optique: 12189
- Optoma: 11348
- Optonica: 10093
- Orion: 10463, 11892, 13540, 13650
- Otic: 11687, 11498
- Panasonic: 11480, 10250, 11291, 10051, 11271, 11941, 11946, 11457, 10650, 11927, 10156, 10178, 12240, 10060, 11347, 10150, 10145, 10093, 10054, 10047, 10171
- PARK: 12104
- Penney: 10156, 10178, 10000, 10051, 11347, 10047, 10060
- Petters: 11523
- Philco: 10054, 10171, 11271, 11394, 11963, 11665, 11142, 11362, 10463, 11570
- Philips: 11867, 11756, 14398, 11454, 10885, 12374, 12372, 12434, 11866, 13183, 11394, 10171, 10054, 10690, 10017, 12049, 13623, 11365, 11963, 11589, 11990, 11755, 11314, 12337
- Philips-Magnavox: 10054, 10171, 13623, 11867
- Pioneer: 11457, 10679, 11260, 11398, 12240, 10866, 12434, 10047, 10650
- Piva: 12277
- Planar: 10679, 11589
- Polaroid: 11523, 10865, 11276, 11314, 11498, 11766, 12002, 12121, 10765, 11687, 14035, 11769, 11538, 11524, 11385, 11767, 11589, 13382, 12434, 13118, 11826
- Portland: 10451, 11661
- Power Acoustik: 11865
- Premier: 13183
- Prima: 10761, 11753, 12049, 11749, 11785
- Prism: 10051
- Proscan: 12256, 12183, 13382, 13577, 13332, 13717, 13895, 13636, 13939, 12746, 13907, 14035, 11447, 10000, 11347, 13559, 12147, 10047, 14053, 13953, 12293, 14093, 11712, 13118
- Prosonic: 11865
- Proton: 10178
- Proview: 11498, 11687, 11523
- Pulsar: 10017
- Pyle: 12196
- QuantumFX: 13593, 12337
- Quasar: 14207, 13899, 10250, 11291, 11927, 10650, 10051, 13382, 13118
- Qumi: 11369
- RadioShack: 10047, 10178, 10000, 12293
- RCA: 11447, 11756, 14398, 12434, 12746, 10885, 10093, 10000, 10051, 11661, 13183, 13577, 12932, 12247, 12187, 11953, 11948, 12049, 11781, 11547, 11347, 10679, 10090, 10047, 11047, 11247, 12002, 13382, 13717, 13895, 12183, 12855, 13332, 13636, 14214, 13938, 13939, 14093, 11959, 13147, 11385, 14394, 14035, 11670, 13519, 11147, 14053, 12293, 11712, 12360
- Realistic: 10178, 12293
- Recco: 13183
- Roku: 11756, 10885, 12434, 14398, 13183, 10818, 10178, 11447, 12360, 12247, 11781, 12187, 10463, 10047, 12049, 13078
- Rolsen: 12098
- Runco: 11398, 10017, 10679
- S-Media: 11217
- Sampo: 11755
- Samsung: 10812, 10702, 10178, 13382, 10650, 10766, 11060, 12051, 11632, 11959, 10060, 13118, 11755
- Sankey: 12964
- Sansui: 10171, 10463, 11670, 11892, 13564, 11409, 13540, 14053, 13939, 13559, 11935
- Sanyo: 10054, 11756, 14398, 11142, 10885, 13488, 13183, 12434, 12049, 11362, 11480, 11785, 11564
- Sceptre: 11360, 11599, 12337, 12506, 13899, 12528, 11217, 14139, 11712
- Scotch: 10178
- Scott: 10178, 11711
- Sears: 10047, 10054, 10156, 10178, 10171, 10000, 12293
- Seiki: 13953, 12964, 13559, 13560, 13382, 13470, 10178
- Seiko Epson: 11122
- Semp Toshiba: 10156
- Sens: 11865, 11749
- Sharp: 12360, 10818, 11756, 14398, 10885, 11457, 12434, 12402, 13183, 12183, 10178, 10093, 12049, 13720, 13519
- Sheng Chia: 10093
- Sherwood: 11399
- Sigmac: 13477, 13423
- Signature: 10054, 12293
- Silo: 13794, 13477, 14182, 13899
- Silo Digital: 13794, 13477, 14182, 13899
- SkyVue: 12360
- SkyWorth: 11314
- Solé: 10813
- Sony: 10810, 11300, 11685, 10000, 12337, 11712
- Soundesign: 10178
- Sova: 11952
- Soyo: 11520, 11826
- Spectroniq: 11498, 11523, 11687
- Speler: 14105, 12434
- Squareview: 10171
- SunBriteTV: 12337, 11610, 12528, 11712, 10810
- Sungpo: 12360, 10093, 11756
- Superscan: 10093, 10864, 11944, 10171, 11963
- Supersonic: 13593, 13154, 12104, 13204, 11753
- Supra: 13332
- Supreme: 10000
- SVA: 10865, 11963
- Sylvania: 11864, 10054, 10171, 11271, 11314, 11394, 11886, 11944, 11963, 11665, 14053, 13332, 13577
- Symphonic: 10171, 11963, 11394, 11944
- Syntax: 11610, 11144, 11240, 11331
- Tandy: 10093
- Tatung: 11756, 10060
- TCL: 12434, 11756, 14398, 13183, 10885, 12049, 12293, 10047
- Teac: 11755, 10178
- Technics: 10250, 10017, 10650, 10051, 11347, 10047
- Technika: 11865
- Techview: 10847
- Techwood: 10051
- Teknika: 10054, 10150, 10060, 12293
- Telefunken: 10702
- Telernet: 12293
- Thomson: 13183, 11447
- TMK: 10178
- TNCi: 10017
- Tokai: 13332
- Toshiba: 11524, 10156, 11256, 11265, 10650, 10845, 11156, 11356, 11656, 11704, 11945, 12006, 12724, 11935, 11959, 11369, 10060, 11291, 11314, 10702
- TruTech: 11665, 10171
- TVS: 10463
- Upstar: 14182, 14405, 13899
- V7 Videoseven: 11217, 11755, 12087
- Venturer: 11865
- Victor: 10053, 10150, 10250, 10156, 10145, 10093, 12337
- Vidao: 12397
- Videoseven: 11217, 11755, 12087
- Vidikron: 10054, 11398, 10679
- Vidtech: 10178
- Viewsonic: 11755, 10857, 10864, 10885, 11330, 11578, 11627, 11640, 11742, 12014, 12087, 12049, 11564, 12745, 11365, 13706, 12277, 12101, 11745, 10679
- Vinchi: 13332
- Viore: 12352, 13382, 13118, 12104, 13094, 11684, 13154
- VisionQuest: 13154, 11687
- Vivitek: 11369
- Vizio: 11758, 12512, 12757, 10864, 11756, 10885, 13758, 12707, 13415, 12247
- Vortex: 13332
- Vortex View: 13332
- Voxson: 10178
- Vue: 11570
- Wards: 10156, 11156, 10178, 10000, 10017, 10051, 11347, 10054, 10866, 10047, 10060, 12337, 12293
- Waycon: 10156
- Westinghouse: 11712, 10885, 11756, 14398, 10889, 13559, 12434, 11300, 11577, 13183, 13470, 13579, 10451, 12049, 11282, 13382, 13949, 13094, 12397, 10463, 13899, 12293, 11217, 10000, 10810, 12337
- White Westinghouse: 11661, 10463
- WinBook: 11369, 10060
- World-of-Vision: 11217
- Wyse: 11365
- Xenius: 10661
- Xiahua: 11753, 12049, 11749, 11785
- Xoceco: 11753, 12049, 11749, 11785
- Xogego: 11753, 12049, 11749
- Xoro: 11217
- Zenith: 11423, 12358, 12731,
RCA universal remote 5 digits code list (CL5) for Blu-ray
- Denon: 32258
- Insignia: 30675, 32428, 32596
- Integra: 31769, 32147
- JVC: 32365
- LG: 30741
- Magnavox: 30675
- Marantz: 32414
- Microsoft: 32083
- Olevia: 32331
- Onkyo: 31769 32147
- Panasonic: 31641
- Philips: 32084, 32434
- Pioneer: 30142, 32442
- RCA: 31769
- Samsung: 30199
- Sharp: 32250
- Sony: 31516
- Sylvania: 30675
- Toshiba: 31769
- Viore: 32553
- Vizio: 32563
- Xbox: 32083
- Yamaha: 32298
RCA universal remote 5 digits code list (CL5) for DVD
- Accurian: 30675
- Aiwa: 30641
- Akai: 30695
- Alco: 30790
- Allegro: 30869
- Apex Digital: 30672, 30794, 30796, 30797, 31056, 31061
- Audio Authority: 32555
- Audiovox: 30790, 31041, 31071
- Axion: 31071
- Bel Canto Design: 31571
- Blue Parade: 30571
- Bose: 31895, 32023
- Broksonic: 30695
- California Audio Labs: 30490, 31579
- Cinea: 30831
- CineVision: 30869
- Citizen: 30695
- Coby: 30778, 31086, 31107, 31177, 31628, 32494
- Craig: 30831
- Curtis Mathes: 31087
- CyberHome: 30816
- Daewoo: 30869, 31169, 31172
- Denon: 30490, 32258, 31579, 31634, 32748, 30634
- Disney: 30675, 31270
- Dynex: 32596
- Emerson: 30591, 30675, 32213
- Enterprise: 30591
- Funai: 30675
- GE: 30522, 30815, 30000
- General Electric: 30522, 30815, 30000
- GFM: 30675
- Go Video: 30744, 30715, 30741, 30869, 31044, 31075
- Go Vision: 31071
- GoldStar: 30741, 30869
- Grundig: 30539
- Harman/Kardon: 32927, 30582, 30702, 31229
- Hello Kitty: 30831
- Hitachi: 30573, 30675, 30664
- Hiteker: 30672
- Insignia: 32596, 32095, 32428, 30675, 30741
- Integra: 30571, 31769, 30627, 32147, 31634
- Irradio: 30646
- JBL: 30702
- JVC: 30558, 30623, 30867, 31164, 31550, 32365, 31602, 32855
- jWin: 30672
- Kawasaki: 30790
- Kenwood: 30490, 31579, 30534
- KLH: 30790
- Lexicon: 32545
- LG: 30741, 31602, 30869, 33996, 30591
- Logitech: 32639
- Magnavox: 30503, 30539, 30646, 30675, 31177, 31354, 31506
- Marantz: 30539, 32414
- Matsui: 30672
- Memorex: 30831, 31270, 32213, 32331, 33153, 30695
- Microsoft: 30000, 32083, 30522, 32627
- Mitsubishi: 31521
- NAD: 30741
- NEC: 30785
- New Acoustic Dimension: 30741
- Norcent: 31107
- Olevia: 32331
- Onkyo: 30503, 31769, 30627, 32147
- Oppo: 30575, 32545
- Panasonic: 30490, 31641, 30503, 31579, 31762, 32967, 33641
- Philco: 30675
- Philips: 30503, 30539, 32056, 32084, 30646, 30675, 31267, 31340, 31354, 31506, 32434, 32526
- Pioneer: 30525, 30571, 30142, 30631, 31571, 32442, 32854
- Polaroid: 31061, 31086
- Polk Audio: 30539
- Presidian: 30675
- Proceed: 30672
- Proscan: 30000, 30522
- ProVision: 30778
- RCA: 30000, 31769, 30790, 30822, 32213, 32829, 30522, 30571, 32871, 32919, 32532
- RE-BL: 32555
- Rio: 30869
- Rotel: 30623
- Samsung: 30199, 30573, 32069, 31075, 30490, 30298, 31579, 30820, 31044, 31470, 32329, 32489, 32556, 32369
- Sansui: 30695
- Sanyo: 30695, 30873, 30675
- Schneider: 30646
- Sharp: 30630, 32250, 30675
- Sherwood: 31043, 33925
- Shinsonic: 30533
- Sonic Blue: 30869
- Sony: 31633, 31516, 30533, 31070, 30864, 30772, 31033, 31431, 31904, 32020, 32132
- SV2000: 30675
- SVA: 30672
- Sylvania: 30675, 30630
- Symphonic: 30675
- Teac: 30790
- Technics: 31579, 30490
- Theta Digital: 30571
- Toshiba: 30503, 32705, 31769, 31154, 32006, 32277, 33157, 30695, 33857
- TruTech: 30675
- Urban Concepts: 30503
- Venturer: 30790
- Viore: 32553
- VIZIO: 32563
- WB Electronics: 32555
- Xbox: 30000, 32083, 30522, 32627
- Yamaha: 30490, 30539, 30497, 32298, 31579, 30646, 30545, 30817, 31354, 32558
- Zenith: 30503, 30591, 30741, 30869
RCA universal remote 5 digits code list (CL5) for Cable
- Access Communications: 51376, 52187
- Adams Cable TV: 51376
- ADB: 53246, 51481, 51998, 52254, 53028
- Allegiance Communications: 51376
- Amino: 51481, 52482, 51998, 53028, 51602, 51822
- Armstrong: 51376, 53560
- Arris: 51376, 52378, 51982, 51998, 52187
- Arvig Communication Systems: 51376, 51982, 51998
- AT&T: 50858, 51877, 52187
- AT&T U-verse: 50858, 51877, 52187
- Atlantic Broadband: 51877, 53560, 51376
- ATMC: 51376, 51982, 53028, 51998
- Bell: 51998, 51877
- Bell Aliant: 51998
- Bell ExpressVu: 51998, 51877
- Bell Fibe TV: 51998
- Blue Ridge Communications: 51877, 53560
- Bright House: 51877, 51376
- Broadstripe: 51376
- Buckeye Cable System: 51376, 51877, 52187
- Cable America: 51376, 51877
- Cable Axion Digitel: 51376
- Cable One: 51376, 53560, 51877
- Cablevision: 51376, 51877, 51006
- Cass Cable: 51376
- CCAP: 51877
- CenturyLink: 51998
- Channel Master: 53118
- Charter: 51877, 51376, 52187, 53560
- Cincinnati Bell: 51877, 51376
- Cisco: 51877, 50858, 51982, 53028, 52345, 51998, 52378, 54450, 52947, 53294
- Cogeco: 51376, 51982, 53560
- ColbaNet: 53698
- Comcast: 51376, 51877, 50476, 51982, 52187, 52576, 53560
- Comporium: 51877, 53560, 52187
- Consolidated Communications: 51877, 51376, 51998
- Cox: 51376, 51877, 53774
- Digeo: 51187, 52187
- Director: 50476
- Eagle Communications: 51376, 52187
- EastLink: 51376, 52187
- Entone: 52302, 53048
- Evolution: 52479, 54079, 52746
- Fidelity Communications: 51376
- Frontier Communications: 52378
- General Communications: 53560, 51376, 51877
- Grande Communications: 51877, 53560, 51376
- Great Plains Communications: 51376
- General Instrument: 50476
- Google: 53666
- Grande Communications: 51877, 53560, 51376
- Hawaiian Telcom: 53028
- Huawei: 51982
- Humax: 53560
- i3 Micro: 51602
- Infomir: 53698
- Insight: 51376, 51877
- Inter Mountain Cable: 51877
- Jerrold: 50476
- Kaon: 52746
- Knology: 51877
- KoolConnect: 51481
- Lumos Networks: 51998, 53028
- Massillon Cable: 51376, 52187
- Mediacom: 51376, 53560, 51982, 51877
- Mediastream: 51376
- MetroCast Cablevision: 51376, 51982, 51877
- Mi-Connection: 51877
- Midcontinent Communications: 51376, 51982, 53560
- Mid-Hudson Cable: 51376
- Motorola: 51376, 50858, 52378, 50476, 51982, 51998, 51187, 51951
- Moxi: 52187
- MTS: 51998, 51951
- Myrio: 51602, 51822
- NewWave Communications: 51376, 52187
- Northland Communications: 51376
- Novus: 51376
- NU Telecom: 51998, 53028
- Optimum: 51877
- Pace: 51376, 51982, 53560, 51877, 50858, 51998
- Panasonic: 51982
- Philips: 52378, 53560
- Pioneer: 51877, 50877
- RCN: 51376, 50476, 53560, 51877
- Reach Broadband: 51376, 51877, 51982
- Rogers: 51877, 51376
- Samsung: 51877, 51982, 53928
- SaskTel: 51998, 51737
- Schurz Communications: 51376, 51877, 51982
- Scientific Atlanta: 51877, 50858, 51982, 52345, 53028, 52378, 50877
- Sejin: 51602
- Service Electric: 51376, 51982, 51877, 52187
- Shaw: 51376, 51877, 52187, 51982
- Shentel: 51376, 51877, 51982, 52187
- Sony: 51006
- Source Cable: 51376
- Suddenlink: 51877, 51376, 53560, 51982
- SureWest: 51481, 51998
- Tbaytel: 51998, 53028
- TDS: 51376, 51877, 51982
- Technicolor: 51982
- Telus: 52345, 53028
- Thomson: 51982
- Time Warner: 51376, 51877, 52187
- TiVo: 52576, 53560
- TVS Cable: 51376, 51877, 51982
- U-verse: 50858, 51877, 52187
- Verizon: 52378
- Videotron: 51877, 51376, 52947
- Wave Broadband: 51376, 52479, 54079, 53560, 52187
- Wavevision: 51376, 51877, 51982
- WEHCO Video: 51376
- Westman Communications: 51376, 52187
- WideOpenWest: 51376, 51877, 52187
- Windjammer Cable: 51376, 51877
- WOW!: 51877, 51376, 52187, 52479
- Xfinity: 51982, 51376, 51877, 53560, 52187
- Zito Media: 51376, 51877, 51982
RCA universal remote 5 digits code list (CL5) for VCR/DVR
- Accurian: 20000, 20001
- Admiral: 20048
- Adventura: 20000, 20001
- Aiko: 20278
- Aiwa: 20037, 20000, 20001
- Allegro: 20039
- America Action: 20278
- American High: 20035
- Audiovox: 20037, 20278
- Calix: 20037
- Canon: 20035
- Carver: 20081
- CCE: 20278
- Citizen: 20037, 20278
- Craig: 20037
- Crosley: 20081, 20000, 20001
- Curtis Mathes: 20060, 20035, 20162, 20278, 20000
- Daewoo: 20045, 20278
- Denon: 20042
- DirecTV: 20739, 20740
- Durabrand: 20039, 20038
- Dynatech: 20001
- Electrohome: 20037, 20043
- Electrophonic: 20037
- Emerex: 20032
- Emerson: 20037, 20000, 20043, 20278, 20593, 21593, 20001
- Fuji: 20035, 20033
- Funai: 20000, 20593, 21593, 20001
- Garrard: 20000, 20001
- GE: 20000, 20035, 20202, 20060
- General Electric: 20000, 20035, 20202, 20060
- GFM: 21593
- Go Video: 20614
- GoldStar: 20037, 20038
- Gradiente: 20000, 20001
- Harley Davidson: 20000, 20001
- Harman/Kardon: 20081, 20038
- Headquarter: 20046
- Hitachi: 20000, 20042, 20593, 20001
- Hughes Network Systems: 20739, 20042, 20740
- Humax: 20739
- Instant Replay: 20035
- JC Penney: 20035
- JVC: 20067
- KEC: 20037, 20278
- Kenwood: 20067, 20038
- Kodak: 20035, 20037
- Lloyd’s: 20000, 20001
- LXI: 20037
- Magnasonic: 20593
- Magnavox: 20035, 20039, 20081, 20000, 20593, 21593, 20001
- Marantz: 20081, 20035
- Marta: 20037
- Matsushita: 20035, 20162
- MEI: 20035
- Memorex: 20035, 20162, 20037, 20048, 20039, 20000, 20046, 20001
- MGA: 20043
- Minolta: 20042
- Mitsubishi Electric: 20067, 20043
- Mitsubishi: 20067, 20043
- Motorola: 20035, 20048
- MTC: 20000, 20001
- Multitech: 20000, 20001
- NAP: 20035, 20039
- NEC: 20067, 20038
- Nikko: 20037
- Olympus: 20035
- Optimus: 21062, 20162, 20037, 20048, 20593
- Panasonic: 21062, 20035, 20162, 20614, 20616
- Penney: 20035, 20037, 20042, 20038
- Pentax: 20042
- Philco: 20035
- Philips: 20739, 20035, 20081, 20618
- Pilot: 20037
- Pioneer: 20067
- Polk Audio: 20081
- Portland: 20278
- Presidian: 21593
- Proscan: 20060, 20202, 20000
- Pulsar: 20039
- Quarter: 20046
- Quartz: 20046
- Quasar: 20035, 20162
- RadioShack: 20000, 20001
- Radix: 20037
- Randex: 20037
- RCA: 20000, 20035, 20042, 20202, 20880, 20060
- RCN: 20739, 20060
- Realistic: 20035, 20037, 20048, 20000, 20046, 20001
- ReplayTV: 20614, 20616
- Runco: 20039
- Samsung: 20739, 20045
- Sanky: 20048, 20039
- Sansui: 20000, 20001, 20067
- Sanyo: 20046
- Scott: 20045, 20043
- Sears: 20035, 20037, 20000, 20001, 20042, 20046
- Sharp: 20048, 20848
- Signature: 20035
- Signature2000: 20035
- Sonic Blue: 20614, 20616
- Sony: 20032, 20035, 20033, 20000, 20001, 20636
- STS: 20042
- Sylvania: 20035, 20081, 20000, 20001, 20043, 20593, 21593
- Symphonic: 20000, 20001, 20593, 21593
- Tashiko: 20037
- Teac: 20000, 20001
- Technics: 20035, 20162, 20039, 20060, 20202
- Teknika: 20035, 20037, 20000, 20001
- Thomas: 20000, 20001
- Tivo: 20739, 20618, 20636, 20740
- Toshiba: 20045, 20043, 21008
- Totevision: 20037
- Vector Research: 20038
- Vector: 20045
- Video Concepts: 20045
- Videomagic: 20037
- Villain: 20000, 20001
- Wards: 20060, 20035, 20048, 20039, 20081, 20045, 20000, 20001, 20042
- XR-1000: 20035, 20000, 20001
- Yamaha: 20038
- Zenith: 20037, 20039, 20033, 20000, 20001
RCA universal remote 5 digits code list (CL5) for SAT
- Arris: 50869
- Bell ExpressVu: 50775
- Bell Satellite TV: 50775
- Bell: 50775
- Crossdigital: 51109
- DirecTV: 51377, 50392, 50566, 50639, 51142, 50247, 50749, 51749, 51856, 51076, 51109, 51442, 51609, 53377
- Dish Network: 50775, 51505, 51775
- Dishpro: 50775, 51505, 51775
- DreamLink: 52579
- Echostar: 50775, 51505, 51775
- Expressvu: 50775, 51775
- Frontier Communications: 50775
- GE: 50869, 50566
- General Instrument: 50869, 50566
- GOI: 50775, 51775
- HTS: 50775, 51775
- Hughes Network Systems: 51377, 51142, 50749, 51749, 51442
- Humax: 51377
- i-Link: 53071
- Jerrold: 50869
- JVC: 50775, 51775
- LG: 51377
- Mitsubishi: 50749
- Motorola: 50869
- Next Level: 50869
- Pace: 51377
- Panasonic: 50247, 50701
- Philips: 51142, 50749, 51749, 51076, 51442
- Proscan: 50392, 50566
- Qwest: 51377
- RadioShack: 50869
- RCA: 50392, 50566, 50855, 50143
- Samsung: 51377, 51276, 51109, 51442, 51609
- Shaw Direct: 50869, 50775
- Sonicview: 52449
- Sony: 50639
- ST: 50775
- Star Choice: 50869
- TDS Telecom: 50775
- TELUS: 50775
- Thomson: 51377
- Tivo: 51377, 51142, 51442
- Toshiba: 50749, 51749, 50790
- Voom: 50869
- Windstream: 50775
- Zenith: 51856
For more details about RCA universal remote controls, you may visit the following link