Need the universal remote codes for your Sony TV?. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with the Sony TV codes for the most common universal remote controls.
Sony Tv & Sony Bravia remote codes
Below are the Sony TV and Sony Bravia 3 digit, 4 digit and 5 digit universal remote codes that work with several popular universal remote control brands, such as Comcast, DirecTV, Dish, GE, OneForAll, Philips, RCA, Spectrum, and U-verse.
Sony TV & Sony Bravia universal remote codes 3 digits
3 digit Dish Network (20.1-21.1) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 513, 500, 795, 758, 781, 640, 683, 590, 652, 797, 837, 677, 611, 844, 721, 756, 783, 798, 624, 845, 619, 115, 796, 531, 856, 521, 806, 187, 124, 859, 013, 647, 512, 121, 168, 069, 002, 865, 720, 123, 956, 090, 884, 807, 841, 000, 793, 666, 653, 738, 680, 838, 627, 684, 125, 313, 455, 555, 810, 922, 918, 503.
3 digit Dish Network (20.0-21.0) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 500, 513, 781, 837, 795, 640, 590, 758, 652, 611, 677, 683, 756, 856, 797, 859, 115, 783, 922, 844, 624, 503, 721, 627, 798, 796, 845, 555, 806, 512, 619, 666, 807, 531, 155, 168, 002, 521, 865, 187, 504, 956, 124, 536, 505, 013, 123, 647, 888, 884, 399, 121, 000, 069, 789, 810, 112, 720, 507, 090, 613, 841, 508, 526, 125, 232, 911, 022, 793, 562, 839, 653, 143, 455, 083, 738, 511, 501, 918, 768, 680, 838, 908, 684, 313.
3 digit Dish Network (10.1) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 500, 758, 578, 640, 670, 690, 514, 516.
3 digit Dish Network (6.2) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 500, 640, 578, 758, 222, 670, 690, 514.
3 digit Dish Network (5.4-6.4) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 500, 758, 640, 837, 590, 690, 090, 810, 000, 798, 781, 808, 783, 683, 795, 512, 796, 800, 252, 797, 185, 842, 846, 514, 806, 865, 666, 807, 677, 578, 627, 501, 511, 123, 838, 839, 840, 841, 843, 508, 844, 738, 845, 591, 563, 125, 001
3 digit Dish Network (3.4-4.4) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 500, 837, 640, 000, 590, 690, 808, 758, 683, 783, 781, 796, 999, 797, 795, 798, 625, 509, 841, 111, 806, 843, 807, 563, 842, 810, 838, 839, 844, 840, 666, 123, 670, 845, 501, 591, 908.
3 digit Dish Network (1.5 Blue Button) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 500, 619, 514, 504, 521, 629, 578, 690, 609, 502, 622, 685, 686, 687, 688.
3 digit Dish Network (Platinum) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 500, 619, 578, 629, 640, 690, 670, 521, 609, 514, 622.
3 digit Dish Network (Platinum Plus) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 500, 514, 578, 521, 609, 619, 622, 690, 629.
3 digit Dish Network (Basic) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 500, 049, 652, 201, 212, 781, 844, 513, 917, 640, 806, 677, 721, 756, 783, 758, 797, 795, 837, 796, 798, 939, 590, 845.
3 digit Dish Network (EZRemote) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 500, 578, 514, 609, 619, 622, 690.
3 digit GE universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 013, 128, 002, 071, 380, 152, 006.
3 digit Philips universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 037, 532, 038, 063, 300, 256.
3 digit RCA (V.1) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 002, 205, 216, 218.
3 digit RCA (V.2) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 002
3 digit RCA (V.3) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 002, 030, 048.
3 digit Spectrum universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 001, 608, 241, 126, 646, 139, 085, 236, 651, 240, 633, 702, 602.
3 digit Spectrum (Synergy V) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 014, 020, 021, 050, 095, 178, 540.
3 digit OneForAll (URC2062, URC2099, URC3065, and older models) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 000, 080, 011, 111, 273, 229, 036
Sony TV & Sony Bravia universal remote codes 4 digits
4 digit Comcast universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0000, 0111
4 digit Dish Network universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0810, 0000, 4448, 0001, 4189, 1317, 4151, 0834, 1685.
4 digit GE (V1) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0128, 0013, 0002, 0071, 0380, 0152,
4 digit GE (V2) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 5001, 5004, 5017, 5030, 5032, 5098, 5141, 5149, 5158, 5208, 5319, 5391, 5394, 5397, 5446, 5447, 5471.
4 digit GE (V3) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1071, 1641, 1731, 1901, 2161, 2741, 3531, 3891, 4101, 4981.
4 digit GE (V4) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 5001, 5004, 5017, 5030, 5032, 5098, 5141, 5149, 5158, 5208, 5319, 5391, 5394, 5397, 5446, 5447, 5471.
4 digit GE (V5) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 5321, 1071, 1641, 1731, 1901, 2161, 2741, 3531, 3891, 4101, 4981.
4 digit GE (CL3) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1071, 5321, 4981, 1901, 1641, 2741, 1731, 2161, 3531, 3891, 4101.
4 digit GE (CL4) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1071, 5811, 5321, 4981, 1901, 2741.
4 digit GE (CL5) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1071, 5811, 5321, 4981, 1901, 2741.
4 digit GE (CL6) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1071, 5811, 5321, 4981, 1901, 2741.
4 digit OneForAll Smart Control 8 (URC7980) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 2778, 1825, 4151, 1505, 1551, 1651, 1625, 0170, 0093.
4 digit OneForAll Smart Control 8 US (URC7880) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0810, 4448, 1317, 4189, 4151, 0834, 1300, 1685.
4 digit OneForAll Smart Control 5 (URC7955) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 2778, 1505, 1651, 4151, 1625, 1551, 4396.
4 digit OneForAll Evolve TV (URC7115) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 2778, 1505, 1651.
4 digit OneForAll Evolve series (URC71x5) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 2778, 1505, 1651.
4 digit OneForAll Contour TV (URC1210_R00) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 2778, 1505, 1651, 4151, 1625, 1551, 0000.
4 digit OneForAll Contour TV (URC1210_R01_2019) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 2778, 1825, 4396,
4 digit OneForAll Contour series (URC12x0_R00) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 2778, 1505, 1651, 4151, 1625, 1551, 0000.
4 digit OneForAll Contour series (URC12x0_R01_2019) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 2778, 1825, 4396.
4 digit OneForAll Contour series (URC12x9_Lat_Am) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0810, 4448, 3691, 1685.
4 digit OneForAll Essence TV (URC7110_R00/R01) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1505, 1825, 1651.
4 digit OneForAll Essence TV (URC7110_R02/R03) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 2778, 1505, 1651, 1625
4 digit OneForAll Essence TV (URC7110_R04/2019) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 2778, 1825, 4151
4 digit OneForAll Essence series (URC71x0_R00/R01) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1505, 1825, 1651
4 digit OneForAll Essence series (URC71x0_R02/R03) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 2778, 1505, 1651, 1625
4 digit OneForAll Essence series (URC71x0_R04/2019) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 2778, 1825, 4151
4 digit OneForAll Essence series (URC73x0_Lat_Am) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 0810, 1651, 1551, 0505, 1505, 1625, 0011, 0000, 0010, 1751, 1317, 0036, 0834, 3622, 1100, 0157, 1904
4 digit OneForAll Essential series (URC36x1) EU/INT universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 2778, 1825, 4396, 0653
4 digit OneForAll Essential series Essential series (URC36x0) US/CA universal remote codes for Sony
- 0810, 4448, 4189
4 digit OneForAll Simple TV (URC6410) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1505, 1825, 1651, 0036, 0650, 0834, 1685, 2778
4 digit OneForAll Simple TV (URC6419_Lat_Am) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0000, 1505, 1825, 1651, 0810, 2778, 0653, 1685, 0834, 0036
4 digit OneForAll Simple series (URC64x0) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 2778, 1505, 1651, 0650, 1625, 0036
4 digit OneForAll Zapper + (URC6820) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 1505, 1651, 1551, 1625, 4151, 3329
4 digit OneForAll OFA 8 (URC2981_R00) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1505, 1825, 1651, 0650, 1625, 1751
4 digit OneForAll OFA 8 (URC2981_R01_R02) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1825, 2778, 1505, 1651, 1625
4 digit OneForAll OFA 8 (URC2981_R03_2019) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 2778, 1825, 4396
4 digit OneForAll OFA 8 (URC2781_Lat_Am) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0810, 1825, 0000, 1100, 0010, 0011, 0834, 1317, 1505, 1551, 1651, 1685, 2778, 3622
4 digit OneForAll (URC1050, URC3110, URC4220, and other older models) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0000, 0810, 1317, 0834, 1685
Mixed 4 digit OneForAll (most OFA remote models/versions) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 2778, 0810, 1825, 4448, 4396, 4189, 1505, 4151, 1651, 0653, 1317, 3691, 0000, 1625, 0650, 1100, 1685, 0036, 1751, 0010, 0834, 1551, 0011, 1300, 0170, 3329, 0093, 3622, 0505, 0157, 1904, 4209, 0605
4 digit Philips (v.1) (SBCRU510, SRM5100, SRU7060, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0532, 0064, 1678, 1532, 0063, 0027, 0037, 0044, 0101, 0080, 0038, 0129, 0177, 0181, 0256, 1127, 0120, 0197, 0677, 1037
4 digit Philips (v.2) (SRU2040, SRU3003, SRU5108, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0414, 0902, 0801, 0708, 0639, 0816
4 digit Philips (mixed CLx for SRP2014H, SRP2017B, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1071, 5811, 5321, 1641, 4981, 1901, 2741, 1731, 2161, 3531, 3891, 4101
4 digit Philips (CL4 manufactured after 2016) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1071, 5811, 5321, 4981, 1901, 2741
4 digit Philips (CL5 manufactured after 2019) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1071, 5811, 5321, 4981, 1901, 2741
4 digit Philips (new CL6 manufactured after 2022) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1071, 5811, 5321, 4981, 1901, 2741
4 digit RCA (v.1 RCR350, RCR450, RCR815, etc) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1002, 1007, 1039, 1205, 1216, 1218, 1243, 1435, 1459
4 digit RCA (v.2 RCR612, RCR812, RCR860, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1002, 1017, 1069, 1074, 1088, 1108
4 digit RCA (v.3 RCR412B, RCR3273/3373, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1036, 1179, 1001, 1093, 1135, 1177
4 digit RCA (v.4 RCR804BR, RCRH02BR, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0000, 0810, 0001, 1300, 1685, 0834, 1317
4 digit Spectrum (URC2060, Atlas 5 DVR/PVR, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0000, 0810, 1685, 2506
4 digit Spectrum (Philips RC122) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1000, 1064, 1152, 1218, 1178, 1288, 1326, 1370
4 digit Spectrum (AllTouch AT8560) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1002, 1157, 1164, 1165, 1174, 1176, 1177, 1225, 1227, 1229, 1231, 1247, 1251, 1263, 1268, 1270, 1274, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1310, 1324, 1328, 1333, 1341, 1361
4 digit Spectrum (Cisco DTA HDA-IR2 & HDA-RF2.2) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0031, 1981, 0051, 4781, 0061, 0141, 0171, 0191, 0261, 0611, 0861, 2881, 0501, 1161, 1791, 4381, 4751, 2331, 4761, 2401, 2471, 4791, 3381, 4811, 3701, 0161, 3621, 0221, 0381, 0421, 0521, 0831, 2591, 2541, 5041, 5051, 5061, 5071, 5081, 5091
4 digit U-verse (AT&T U-verse S10 remotes) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1004, 1023, 1027, 1073, 1074, 1075, 1079, 1080, 1140, 1141, 1142, 1143, 1144, 1145, 1193, 1198, 1220, 1227, 1233, 1234, 1259, 1287, 1294, 1348, 1349, 1575, 1576, 1587
4 digit U-verse (AT&T U-verse Silver Series) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 1002, 1037, 1090, 1109, 1128, 1137, 1178, 1201, 1202, 1215, 1216, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1249, 1250, 1251, 1272, 1275, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1316, 1317, 1318, 1330, 1347, 1356, 1384, 1388, 1408, 1413
4 digit U-verse (AT&T U-verse A10 remotes) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 0002, 0013, 0071, 0128, 0152, 0380
Sony TV & Sony Bravia universal remote codes 5 digits
5 digit Comcast (XR2, XR5, XR11, XR15 newer xfinity remotes) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 10000, 10011, 10353, 10810, 10834, 11100, 11317, 11400, 11685, 11712, 11786, 11791, 11904, 11913, 11925, 12337
5 digit Comcast (Digital Adapter Remote MUG3067) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 10000, 10011, 10080, 10353, 10834, 11317, 11400, 11685, 11786, 11791, 11904, 11925, 10273
5 digit Comcast (Silver with red OK select button MUG1067) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 10000, 11100, 11317
5 digit Comcast (Spectrum & Tracer MG3-4167 & M4167) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 10000, 10011, 10080, 10810, 11400, 11685, 11904, 11925
5 digit DirecTV (RC64, RC65, RC66, RC32, RC24) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 10000, 10810, 10834, 11300, 11317, 11685, 11786, 11791, 11904, 11925, 12736
5 digit DirecTV (RC71, RC72 and RC73) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 10810
5 digit Philips (SRP3014/27, SRP5016/27, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
10565, 10717, 11046, 11628, 13251, 14260, 15333, 16415, 17317, 17421, 18152, 18930, 19016, 19057, 19848
5 digit Philips (for SRP3014/10, SRP5018/10, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 13121, 13153, 13229, 13267, 14102, 14200, 14700, 14760, 14808, 15320, 15428, 15526, 15820, 16630, 16921, 17032, 17225, 17323, 17921, 18035
5 digit Philips (SRP3014/10, SRP5018/10, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 14352, 14741, 15045, 16744, 19557
5 digit Philips zapper (SBCRU151, SBCRU098, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 11322, 11323, 11444, 21111
5 digit RCA (v.1 for RCRN08GR, RCRPS02GR, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 10810 11300 11685 10000 12337 11712
5 digit Spectrum (URC1160, URC1060, M2067BX3 & Delta-3068) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 10810 11685 12506
5 digit codes (AT&T U-verse A30 remotes) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 10810 11300 11685
5 digit OneForAll (OARC03G, OARN03S, OARN08G, etc.) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 10810, 10000
5 digit OneForAll OFA Streamer (URC7935) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 23352, 42226, 21656
5 digit OneForAll TV Zapper (URC6810) universal remote codes for Sony TV
- 23352, 21656, 22462, 22214, 22416